We, the All-Ukrainian Association of Social Organisations “Alraid”, sincerely congratulate you on behalf of Ukrainian Muslims upon your victory in the early Presidential election of May... >>>
Dear graduates! You are now standing on the threshold of your new, adult life, where everyone has to make a choice. Former schoolchildren still have their exams to pass and uneasy choice of their... >>>
Ukraine, with the help of God, will be electing its new President in a few days. We, the AUASO “Alraid” and RAMU “Umma”, hope that no one will have further doubts if our... >>>
Dear brothers and sisters!
Criminal deportations of Crimean Tatars from their historical Homeland became one of the most tragical pages of their history. Crimean Tatars suffered black ordeal, still... >>>
Criminal deportations of Crimean Tatars from their historical Homeland became one of the most tragical pages of their history. Crimean Tatars suffered black ordeal, still... >>>
A horrible tragedy stroke our neighbouring country. A grieving crowd of relatives and friends gathered outside a coal mine in Soma, Turkey, on Wednesday, still hoping for finding survivors inside the... >>>
All-Ukrainian Association of Social Organisations “Alraid” and Religious Administration of Muslims Of Ukraine “Umma” express the deepest concern about the events going on in... >>>
Religious Aminiatration of Muslims of Ukraine “Umma” and Muslim social organisations present their regards to all the Presidential Candidates and suggest a range of proposals for... >>>
A 83 year-old Abdurman Chubarov died yesterday, March 30. During his long life he raised four sons he be justifiably proud of (including current Head of Crimean Tatar Mejlis Mr. Refat Chubarov),... >>>
Donetsk Regional Council of Churches And Religious Organisations expressed disquiet for the neighbouring country’s leaders pushing the Ukrainians to split-off in such a tough time as it is.... >>>
Violence is always horrible, and fratricidal war is much worse. We, the women of Ukraine, condemn any appeals for escalating the tension and armed stand-off. Where men stand on the opposite sides of... >>>
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