Families with schoolchildren will keep me honest: it’s quite expensive to prepare the offsprings for the new school year. What should the Internally Displaced Persons do, then, when they hardly... >>>
The new Gymnasium started the previous academic year with 40 pupils, and this year their number increased to 120. Such gain wasn’t determined by first-grades only: there are freshmen at senior... >>>
Representatives of the ODIHR (OSCE) Mission having started visiting different social and religious organisations last year in order to have relevant information about the situation in the society,... >>>
The new Gymnasium started the previous academic year with 40 pupils, and this year their number increased to 120. Such gain wasn’t determined by first-grades only: there are freshmen at senior... >>>
About a thousand visitors came to Kyiv Islamic Cultural Centre on National Flag Day, August 23, in order to participate in Fest of Oriental Culture, and that became the first-ever experience of... >>>
Results of the AUASO “Alraid” Department On Family Affairs creativity Islamic Knowledge contest are finally summarized. Authors of three best works will be awarded with valuable prizes,... >>>
An event for those who love oriental culture of the Middle East, Northern Africa, Middle and Southern Asia is to be held at Kyiv Islamic Cultural Centre. The East Feast is meant to both show the... >>>
A solemn opening of a new halal restaurant took place at Kyiv Islamic Cultural Centre on July 24. About a thousand visitors had a possibility to fully appreciate its cozy atmosphere, courtesy of the... >>>
IV INternational Summer School For Islamic Studies held at Kyiv Islamic Cultural Centre during July 20-24, 2015, finished its sessions. Each participant received their certificate and a copy of the... >>>
A Russian translation of the latest book by Muhammad Mustafa Al-A’zami, “The History of the Qur'ānic Text: From Revelation to Compilation” (“Ansar Foundation”... >>>
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