A multilateral meeting of AUASO “Alraid” delegates with the newly elected Head of the Crimean Tatar Mejlis Mr. Refat Chubarov took at the Mejlis Office place on Friday, November 29. Head... >>>
The practice of learning the Holy Qur’an by heart has been revived on the Crimean peninsula recently, after being abandoned for about a century. Hafidh are beginning to appear among the Crimean... >>>
Activists of the Crimean Youth Social Organisation “Emel” held a volunteer clean-up at the Sofievka village cemetery (Simferopol district) within the framework of their project for... >>>
Many events for the youth have the same problem: the actual youth have the passive role of spectators and listeners, while lecturers, at the best case five to ten years older, share their own... >>>
It’s well-known that each family is a social unit, though this social unit is still unexplored area. Muslim family is no exception. This was the main topic of the roundtable held at the... >>>
A scientific conference covering interethnic, intercultural and interfaith relations started in Crimea. ASASO “Alraid” and Crimean Department of the NAS Institute of Oriental Studies are... >>>
A scientific conference on Interethnic and Interfaith Relations in Crimea, organized by the National Academy Of Science of Ukraine Institute Of Oriental Studies and AUASO “Alraid”, ... >>>
On November 13014, the threshold of the Tolerance day, OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights facilitated a Training on Hate Crimes in Kyiv. Ms. Olha Fryndak, Deputy Head of Female... >>>
Muslims of Krasnosel’skoe village (Chernomorskiy district, Crimea) don’t have to pray at the former village store they bought. An opening ceremony of a new mosque, built with the... >>>
It’s hard to stay impartial when you see a disabled person and not to think about their need both in everyday and friendly support. For that reason the activists of Odessa social organisation... >>>
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