An initial batch of 1000 face fabric face masks was sewn by Muslimahs from WO “Maryam”. As of today, the volunteers finished attaching the elastic bands and packing, and they will be... >>>
100 grocery packs were delivered to the needy (old, in particular) parishioners of Kyiv Islamic Centre Mosque by the Centre’s volunteers.
Each pack contained pasta, rise, sugar, flour, and... >>>
Each pack contained pasta, rise, sugar, flour, and... >>>
Not just poor retired people are extremely vulnerable during the COVID-19 pandemic. This list also includes poor large families and families who lost their father. Such families became the next... >>>
During the winter, Kharkiv Muslimahs dedicate several Saturdays per month to feed the homeless and needy people with hot meals. The meals distribution is usually held near the Southern Railway... >>>
Over 35 tons of coal were distributed among the needy Muslims of Kherson region under the auspices of CSUAUA “Alraid”. The aid was provided in terms of cooperation with a German... >>>
On 23 December, Volunteers from Charity Department of Social organisation “Maryam”, supported by Tariq Sarhan, Head of Introduction to Islam and Islamic Culture department at CSUAUA... >>>
It’s getting cold, and once again hot meals become more than a special treatment, but a means of survival for shelterless people, who, understandable, have no opportunity of cooking hot meals... >>>
Volunteers from Women’s Organisation “Maryam”, supported by some male volunteers from Kyiv Islamic Cultural Centre (namely volunteers from Social Organisation “An-Noor”... >>>
The activists from Kyiv Islamic Cultural Centre have launched the GreenDeen Initiative — the organisation aims to preserve the environment. One more project, Planting 500 Trees, also was added... >>>
22 nurslings of cherries and apricots were planted by volunteers from Zaporizhzhia islamic Cultural Centre around one of the city’s playgrounds on the eve of Ramadan. The Muslims hope that... >>>
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